SCOTS X Factor stars the Cutkelvins have opened up about the secret heartache behind their success on X Factor.
The talented trio from Lanark admit they are still devastated at losing their beloved Dad Derek seven years ago this December when he died unexpectedly at home.
And the performers who have received support from their mum Lynda throughout the show, carry around a treasured piece of him as they perform during the weekly shows on X Factor.
As Shereen, 20, and her brothers Jay, 24, and Kyle, 22, prepare for another round of live shows this weekend on X Factor they have exclusively told the Scottish Sun of their biggest inspiration from the man they were proud to call their father.
Shereen said: “Dad was there on stage up with us at the weekend - he always is.”
“When we were younger he would always just be listening to our rehearsals and how our harmonies worked and showed us how to breathe properly. He trained me when I was younger and he taught us a lot. That is where our inspiration came from.”
Derek Cutkelvin, then 53, whose stage name was also Lewis J Jackson was a seasoned performer who sang regularly with his own brothers and sisters in the seventies band Django.
He also performed in a Drifters tribute band The Driftars and occasionally appeared on TV.
Kyle said: “Dad did a six week tour with Ben E King and he was in his group at the time called Django. He was with his brothers and sisters and there were four in the group. It’s like history repeating. He did some TV too but the internet wasn’t as big then as it is now so it was harder. It’s a bit easier now to get exposure.”
Shereen who adored her daddy and once paid tribute to him in a touching YouTube video singing Dance with My Father Again, added: “We are a very close family and we’ve always got each other. Mum is like the glue that holds us all together. We’ve always had that very strong connection and that continues even after dad has passed.”
The band try to start off their days by spending time thinking about their daddy. Jay said: “He is still very much our inspiration now. We go back and look at his videos and watch the way he did it.”
Shereen said: ”Even just this morning we were listening to some of his own original songs and it set off our day right.”
Kyle added: ”If we do well we will perform his songs at some point, maybe not on the show but somewhere.”
The close family carry their father in their hearts but they also admit he brings them luck through some of his old possessions which they’ve been wearing onstage.
Shereen who used to perform in girl group Neon Jungle alongside artists like Taylor Swift in the US said: “I’ve got my dads rosary beads that were given to him by a nun. I keep them on me.”
Jay added: “I wear his bracelet every day and I have not taken it off since. It’s one of my dads that I wear on stage.”
And Kyle said: “I have a watch from my dad that I will wear as well. I was scared to bring it in case I lost it but I will wear it if we reach the final.”
The family can’t wait to catch up with Simon Cowell again this weekend and perform their latest track.
They are thrilled that Scotland is behind them and are keen to get to the final stages of the competition.
Jay added: “Mum is dead proud of us all and always keeps us grounded to make sure we don’t get too big for our boots.”
Excerpts of this article have since appeared exclusively in the Scottish Sun.
From Scotland With Love -