
Monday 22 April 2024


AVENGERS: Infinity War director Joe Russo turned up by taxi to launch his own restaurant in Edinburgh after falling in love with the cuisine by Scots chef Sean Clark during a visit to the capital seven years ago. 
And Marvel filmmaker Joe who rushed to his new Under The Table restaurant from St Andrews where he was hanging out with Tom Holland for Sands International Film Festival,  said he and Scotland have a special bond - after his daughter and other family members also studied at St Andrews. 
Joe, who has invested in the venture alongside Sean and former wine merchant Paul O‘ Donoghue said: “It’s super exciting. This is my favourite chef in the world by the way so this is why I’m so glad he’s able to expand his experience from The Table onto a more informal every day event for the people of this town. 
Joe, who opened Simone restaurant in LA in 2018, added: “Anything I can do to get people support him and to get people to come and eat his food, because it’s some of the best food you are ever going to eat, it’s a good day.”
Talking of his love of Edinburgh, he added: “One I love the Scots and two I love these guys. I’ve been supporting this town for a long time. I’ve been supporting Scotland for a long time now. We shot Endgame Infinity War here at Waverley Station almost seven years ago now and my daughter graduated from St Andrews, and two nieces and a nephew graduated from St Andrews so, my family has a real foothold in Scotland.

“This town in particular is a very special town, a very artistic town, craft oriented, you have Iain Macpherson the cocktail panda who just won three awards, an incredible mixologist, on London this last week. And the Table is one of my favourite restaurant experiences in the world for many years now. So the fact that, like I said, we get to support them in opening a new venue, that’s now informal is a really good thing.”
Guests enjoyed a selection of canapés including venison and pigs ear ragu.

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