Disney on Ice is taking over the SSE Hydro for four days and Scots fans of the great Walt himself can’t wait to welcome the spectacular.
The show runs from Thursday April 11 to Sunday April 14 and we’ve compiled some Disney data for you to make the occasion.
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves star Dopey was meant to be a chatterbox, but producers couldn’t find a voice to suit him so he went silent instead.
2.Jackie Chan played the Beast’s voice for the Chinese translation of Beauty and the Beast—including the singing. He even sings the title track in Mandarin with Sarah Chen.
3. It takes about two days to unload the props for Disney On Ice and the backstage crew is made up of about 14 people, all working together on lighting, the music, the backdrop, the sets and the props that bring the show to life.
4. To mark the show coming to Glasgow, TriBeCa US diner in Glasgow’s Bell Street has created three new Disney style treats- Pink Princess and Genie In A Glass milkshakes with lots of magic flavours and a colour-in Mickey Mouse pancake with edible colouring like sprinkles, strawberry and chocolate syrup. They are only available from 4pm-8:30pm while the show is here.
5. The Beatles were originally asked to provide music for the Jungle Book but John Lennon refused. Other real life figures have inspired Disney including Tom Cruise Who was the inspiration for Aladdin's face and Alyssa Milano who helped to inspire Ariel’s features.
6. Dwarf names that were passed over in Snow White were: Jumpy, Deafy, Dizzy, Wheezy, Hickey, Baldy, Gabby, Nifty, Sniffy, Swift, Lazy, Puffy, Stuffy, Tubby, Shorty, and Burpy.
7. On average forty five trailers arrive in each city for Disney On Ice with nearly 5000 LED lights per tour and 250,000 rhinestone Swarovski crystals on display per show.